

Direction – Narrative development – Concept and design – Storyboarding – Editing

Animation & Live Action Film – Virtual rides – Augmented and virtual reality – Experiences

For inquiries:

You can also reach me via my LinkedIn or Artstation profiles.


Brands and clients I’ve worked with:

Toyota, Volvo, Mitsubishi, Nike,, Vodafone, Tom Tom, Bacardi, KLM, ABN AMRO, Nederland 3, Nuon, KRO, Zappelin, Centraal beheer, Dutch railway museum, Bacardi, Aviko, Ziggo, Lays, LU, T-Mobile, Marktplaats, Robeco, Cote D’or, Albert Heijn, Philips, Continental, MTV

MediaMonks, Habbekrats, Etcetera, TWBA, FHV BBDO, Crabsalad, Like Friends, EuroRSCG, Cape Rock, Minivegas, Hazzazah, 100% Hallal, Brand New Telly, Born05, Lemz, Avidrome, First Floor Features, Red Urban, They, Lukkien, Nike Brand design EMEA, Publicis, Caviar, DDB & Tribal


Film awards for directed work.

Cruise Patrol 

-Winner best short animated film. Feratum, Festival Internacial de Cine Fantastico, Terror Y SICFI, Tlalpujahua Mexico. 2014

-Winner best international short film. Susperia Fest, Allicante 2014 -Nominated for Golden Calf competition. Dutch Film Festival, Utrecht 2014

-Nominated for Golden Dove for animated film. Dok Leipzig, Germany 2014

-Nominated for the Grand Prix van Dutch films, Holland Animation Film Festival, 2014

-Nominated for the best short film, Gay and lesbian film festival Amsterdam 2014


Trail by Fire (De Vuurproef) 

-THEA award, category 4D Simulator Limited Budget. Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) 2014 California, USA.


Tyrants for Afar: 

-Animago Award: 2005 best teaser professional/compositing. Germany

-Computer animation Bronze Award, Comgraph 2005 Singapore

-Cgtalk Award 2006.


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